1. 当您在使用诸如his, hers, mine, theirs, yours, ours 等所有格代名词时,请确定所有格代名词与它所替代的名词在数量上相符。例如:
不正确: I have my car, and my husband has theirs.
不正确: This is the children's room. All those toys are hers.
正确: I have my car, and my husband has his.
正确: This is the children's room. All those toys are theirs.
在第一个句子中,应该使用单数代名词 his 来表示车子属於单数的husband。在第二个句子中,应该使用 theirs 来表示玩具属於複数的名词,children。
2. 所有格代名词不需要撇号。
His, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs, 及 whose 都已经表达所有权,所以不需要加撇号。例如:
不正确: Each art room has it's own sink.
不正确: His' office is on the third floor.
正确: Each art room has its own sink.
正确: His office is on the third floor.
第一个句子需要的是所有格代名词,而非it's (这个的意思是it is)。第二个句子需要所有格代名词his; his' 是绝不会被用到的。
除了所有格代名词以外,还有其它表达所有权的方式,例如使用撇号和"s" (-'s)。例如:
My neighbor's house is bigger than mine.
Henry's cat likes to play with our baby.
1. 当一个名词的结尾是"s"时,再添加's 的话让整个字听起来很奇怪。所以有时候只添加撇号,例如:
I like James' company.
This is Harris' wife, Anna.
2. 请确定您添加撇号至正确的位置。如果是单数的话,撇号应该在 "s" 之前。例如,
The teacher's desk is right in front. (one teacher)
My sister's haircut cost $70 dollars. (one sister)
如果是複数的话,您只需要在s 之後添加撇号:
We borrowed our parents' car. (more than one parent)
I went to a party at my friends' house. (more than one friend)
3. 当两个或多个人分享所有权时,您在最後一个名词後使用撇号和"s"。 当每一个人有独立的所有权时,您需要如以下的例子来表达:
John and Jack's room is very messy. (John and Jack share one room.)
Ian's and George's ambitions are very different from each other and from the ambitions of most ten-year-old boys. (Ian and George have different ambitions.)
4. 当您需要把一个名词转换为複数时,您不需要使用撇号。撇号显示所有权,而非名词的複数形态。以下的句子是错的: 它们不该使用撇号。
不正确: The new student's look confused.
不正确: There are too many car's on our street's.
正确: The new students look confused.
正确: There are too many cars on our streets.
总结:所有格代名词是用来显示所有权。有些基本规则可以让您更正确地使用它们。若您需要更多的帮助,您可以请教您的指导教师。使用图尼丁,进行论文查重,图尼丁系统基于:Turnitin CrossCheck ' Thenticate,适用于:毕业论文、留学生Essay、外文投稿,免费赠送检测码以及语法报告,并支持开设电子发票。