
不正确: The boy with the red hair is more taller than the girl with the black hair.
不正确: James thinks that Mary is the most prettiest girl in school.
当比较两件事物时,添加 "-er" 至较短的单字(通常指的是只有一个音节的单字)的字尾。例如:
正确: The boy with the red hair is taller than the girl with the black hair.
正确: Today it is hot, but yesterday it was even hotter.
当比较叁个或叁个以上事物时,添加 "-est" 至较短的单字(通常指的是只有一个音节的单字)的字尾。例如:
正确:The girl in the back of the room is the tallest girl in her entire class.
正确:Yesterday was the hottest day ever recorded by the National Weather Service.
如果一个单字有两个或两个以上的音节时,您无需添加"-er" 或 "-est" 至单字字尾。若您在比较两件事物,您应该在该单字前使用more;若您在比较叁件或叁件以上的事物时,您应该在该单字前使用most。例如:
正确: The judges must decide which of the two remaining singers is more talented.
正确: Of the three new students, John is the most intelligent.
负面的比较应该使用"less"(比较两件事物时)或 "least" (比较叁件或叁件以上事物时)。例如:
正确: The third floor apartment is less costly than the first floor apartment.
正确: Of the three colleges that I've visited, this one is the least expensive.

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