常见的否定字如:no, not, none, no one, nothing, nowhere, neither, nobody, never。
当使用负面单字如"not" 或它们的缩短词(cannot, does not, should not, will not, can't, doesn't, shouldn't)时,动词变为负面的。
不正确:I am not going to pay no bills today.
正确: I am not going to pay any bills today. ("Any" is not a negative word.)
正确: I am going to pay no bills today.
正确: I am going to pay no bills today.
不正确:She cannot make friends with nobody in our school.
正确: She can make friends with nobody in our school.
正确: She cannot make friends with anybody in our school.
正确: She cannot make friends with anybody in our school.
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